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在线学习和决策中的一个核心问题 - 从土匪到强化学习 - 是要了解哪种建模假设会导致样本有效的学习保证。我们考虑了一个普遍的对抗性决策框架,该框架涵盖了(结构化的)匪徒问题,这些问题与对抗性动力学有关。我们的主要结果是通过新的上限和下限显示决策估计系数,这是Foster等人引入的复杂度度量。在与我们环境的随机对应物中,对于对抗性决策而言是必要和足够的遗憾。但是,与随机设置相比,必须将决策估计系数应用于所考虑的模型类(或假设)的凸壳。这就确定了容纳对抗奖励或动态的价格受凸层化模型类的行为的约束,并恢复了许多现有结果 - 既积极又负面。在获得这些保证的途径中,我们提供了新的结构结果,将决策估计系数与其他众所周知的复杂性度量的变体联系起来,包括Russo和Van Roy的信息比以及Lattimore和Gy的探索目标\“ {o} rgy。
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互动学习和决策的基本挑战,从强盗问题到加固学习,是提供了实现的采样效率,自适应学习算法,实现了近乎最佳的遗憾。这个问题类似于最佳(监督)统计学习的经典问题,其中有众所周知的复杂性措施(例如,VC维度和Rademacher复杂性),用于控制学习的统计复杂性。然而,由于问题的适应性,表征交互式学习的统计复杂性基本上更具挑战性。这项工作的主要结果提供了复杂性措施,决策系数,被证明是必要的,并且足以用于采样有效的互动学习。特别是,我们提供:1。对于任何交互式决策问题的最佳遗憾的下限,将决策估计系数作为基本限制建立。 2.统一算法设计原理,估算到决策(E2D),它将任何用于监督估算的算法转换为决策的在线算法。 E2D遗憾的是符合我们下限的遗憾,从而实现了最佳的样本高效学习,其特征在于决策估计系数。一起参加,这些结果构成了互动决策的可读性理论。当应用于增强学习设置时,决策估计系数基本上恢复所有现有的硬度结果和下限。更广泛地,该方法可以被视为统计估算的经典LE CAM理论的决策理论;它还统一了许多现有方法 - 贝叶斯和频繁的方法。
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我们考虑了离线强化学习问题,其中目的是学习从记录数据的决策策略。离线RL - 特别是当耦合时函数近似时允许在大或连续状态空间中允许泛化 - 在实践中变得越来越相关,因为它避免了昂贵且耗时的在线数据收集,并且非常适合安全 - 关键域名。对于离线值函数近似方法的现有样本复杂性保证通常需要(1)分配假设(即,良好的覆盖率)和(2)代表性假设(即,表示一些或所有$ q $ -value函数的能力)比什么是更强大的受监督学习所必需的。然而,尽管研究了几十年的研究,但仍然无法充分理解这些条件和离线RL的基本限制。这使得陈和江(2019)猜想勇敢地(覆盖范围最大的覆盖率)和可实现性(最弱的代表条件)不足以足以用于样品有效的离线RL。通过证明通常,即使满足勇敢性和可实现性,也要解决这一猜想,即使满足既勇敢性和可实现性,也需要在状态空间的大小中需要采样复杂性多项式以学习非琐碎的政策。我们的研究结果表明,采样高效的离线强化学习需要超越监督学习的限制性覆盖条件或代表条件,并突出显示出称为过度覆盖的现象,该现象用作离线值函数近似方法的基本障碍。通过线性函数近似的加强学习结果的结果是,即使在恒定尺寸,在线和离线RL之间的分离也可以是任意大的。
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This paper presents a margin-based multiclass generalization bound for neural networks that scales with their margin-normalized spectral complexity: their Lipschitz constant, meaning the product of the spectral norms of the weight matrices, times a certain correction factor. This bound is empirically investigated for a standard AlexNet network trained with SGD on the mnist and cifar10 datasets, with both original and random labels; the bound, the Lipschitz constants, and the excess risks are all in direct correlation, suggesting both that SGD selects predictors whose complexity scales with the difficulty of the learning task, and secondly that the presented bound is sensitive to this complexity.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Owing to the prohibitive costs of generating large amounts of labeled data, programmatic weak supervision is a growing paradigm within machine learning. In this setting, users design heuristics that provide noisy labels for subsets of the data. These weak labels are combined (typically via a graphical model) to form pseudolabels, which are then used to train a downstream model. In this work, we question a foundational premise of the typical weakly supervised learning pipeline: given that the heuristic provides all ``label" information, why do we need to generate pseudolabels at all? Instead, we propose to directly transform the heuristics themselves into corresponding loss functions that penalize differences between our model and the heuristic. By constructing losses directly from the heuristics, we can incorporate more information than is used in the standard weakly supervised pipeline, such as how the heuristics make their decisions, which explicitly informs feature selection during training. We call our method Losses over Labels (LoL) as it creates losses directly from heuristics without going through the intermediate step of a label. We show that LoL improves upon existing weak supervision methods on several benchmark text and image classification tasks and further demonstrate that incorporating gradient information leads to better performance on almost every task.
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